Monday, February 11, 2013

Mathieu Mirano Fall 2013~On The Radar

Sometimes fashion is like horse racing (my favorite sport) and you get a hot tip on a designer. This happened to me last season when a fellow editor told me about Mathieu Mirano, I was sure to catch his presentation this season. Well true to form; the tip was correct and Mr. Mirano showed a small concise collection which demonstrated focus, color restriction and a balance so to say in his designs.

There were only 23 look in his presentation but when you factor in the "less is more" concept it works well in his favor! Being a relative new designer he seems to be playing the current design/retail market smartly and showing just enough.

Aside from his laser like focus on design he's not afraid to "shake the reigns" and offer some red carpet contenders for upcoming award seasons.

Looks that caught my eye the most were his Long multicolor sequin gown (red carpet) as well Stingray embroidered strapless gown. As for a day look the Black merino and metallic grid sweater with Black stretch leather leggings seemed so New York City.

Photos: Richard Spiegel

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